Why you never tap into your true potential (and how to break free)

I hope this post changes your life. 

It is an alarm. 

Not a scary one. 

A gentle one with a nice ring tone that will allow you to wake up feeling energized and excited for life. 

If you are living in any form of auto-pilot, or in a sort of funk or slumber, and feel unclear and uncertain about life - I hope this message will shake and wake you up, catapulting you into action for living the life you were meant for.

The sad truth is, most people will go through their entire life only tapping into a small fraction of their full potential.

I’m sure you use your potential and have things to show for it. 

But what would your experience of life look like if you used all of it?

Why don’t we use our full potential in the first place?

Its complex and layered, but mostly due to your:

  • Limiting beliefs 

  • Comfort zone

  • Unconscious patterns and habits 

  • Underutilized brain capacity

  • Fear of failure and judgement 

  • Lack of awareness and intentionality 

  • Spiritual and Conscious evolution 

Your beliefs are your limits to what’s possible in this life. There is a realm of vast energetic potential beyond your conditioned beliefs. 

Staying in your comfort zone limits your growth. You are capable of things that you never imagined were within reach. 

Your unconscious behavior is habitual and keeps you living on autopilot, missing out on the gift of life every single day. 

You operate only in the realm of functional living, but you don’t exercise your full range of creativity, emotional intelligence, intuition and higher consciousness which is within you. 

You secretly don’t pursue your dreams because you’re afraid of failing or being judged. This keeps you stuck in a lifestyle that doesn’t align with your true purpose and passion. 

You probably aren’t even aware of just how much potential you hold within your very own self. You have the power to create the life you were meant for. 

On a deeper level, you are here for Self Realization. 

“You have to surrender, at least a little bit, to be the best version of yourself possible.” Naval

Don’t let your untapped potential go to waste

You are here for the spectacular, mind-blowing, heart opening and ineffable experience of human life. 

You are here to experience the bliss of being alive.

It is your birthright. 

The bliss that lies at your core. The bliss that is your natural state of Being. 

So simple, yet often overlooked - and misunderstood - by most people. 

And it is available for you, at all times. 

It flows through you when you’re tapped into your full potential. 

You are on this planet, in this moment, to let evolution unfold.

To become the highest, most expanded version of your Self. To let nature run through you and experience itself as a state of Being and existence. 

To let pure consciousness do its thing. 

You are here to change and grow. 

“At any moment, you have a choice, that either leads you closer to your spirit or further away from it” – Thich Nhat Hanh.

Your journey will take you from the small self, to the big Self. 

Your journey is inherently connected to your potential. 

But have you ever asked yourself, what actually is my potential? And how do I harness its full energetic capacity to express life to its true nature rather than stay imprisoned by the mind?

Characteristics of the small self:

  • driven by ego 

  • fearful and defensive

  • seeks control 

  • limited and self focussed

  • conditional happiness

Characteristics of the big Self:

  • guided by inner wisdom

  • loving and compassionate 

  • embraces surrender and flow

  • expansive and purpose driven

  • unconditional joy and peace

You’re here to fulfill your true potential.

In doing so, you will make the world a better place, from the micro to the macro. 

When you are tapped into your potential and flow, you make a difference.

The question is, are you - fully - tapped in?

You can quickly find out below. 

What is potential?

Potential is your ability to experience life at its unbound capacity.

To live in alignment with the flow of nature itself.

Potential lies dormant in most people. You think you’re using your potential, but in reality you’re using only a fraction of it.

Your true potential is an energy and creative firepower that knows no limits.

It is universal consciousness itself - it is the universe in ecstatic motion being lived through your nervous system and Being.

It radiates deep within you, beyond your intellect and mind. 

How do you discover, cultivate and tap into your potential to life a life of fulfilment, purpose, joy and love?

It is why you were born on this earth, at this time, in this body.

You discover, cultivate and tap into your potential by:

  • knowing who you are (Self awareness)

  • knowing what you want and why you’re here (vision, purpose, mission)

  • knowing how you can help, uplift and inspire others (service)

  • knowing the nature of reality (enlightenment)

  • knowing how to be life in human form (Being a Human)

If you dedicate 1 hour of your day - everyday - to uncovering your potential, you’ll live a life you could only have dreamed of.

The 5 pillars of potential (that you didn’t know about)

When most people think about their inner potential, they view it through the lense of intellectual potential, material wealth, achievement and succes.

There are so many more parts to you, than only your mind and intellect. 

The tricky thing is, due to our upbringing and conditioning, we tend to not know this. 

We become so identified with our mind, thoughts, feeling and emotions that they often create our perception of reality. 

Your mind, thoughts, feelings and emotions change all the time. 

How can you be something that changes so much?

You can’t.

Who you really are, is the awareness, the witness or observer of your mind, thoughts, feeling and emotions. 

This is Self Awareness 101. 

If you can’t sit with your eyes closed for 10 minutes and be comfortable with the racing and changing train of thoughts, then you don’t know who you are (yet) on a deeper level than your mind. 

You find it uncomfortable because you’re not ready to face your inner world. 

But that is not a problem. This is your invitation to make the discovery and use it to shape a new way of being. 

Most of us were raised to live life through the mind only. 

If we look at ancient wisdom traditions of the humans who dedicated their life to self discovery and the Truth of Existence…

We’ll find their are different kinds of potential dormant (or active) within you. 

  • Heart potential (your capacity for unconditional love and compassion for all beings)

  • Base of the spine potential - (your capacity to let life force energy (chi, prana, shakti etc) direct your vision in life)

  • Body potential (the capacity to use and honor the physical body as a sacred vessel of experience, movement, and health)

  • Mind potential (your capacity to unlock the full expansion of your mind and solve problems in the service of others)

  • Soul potential (your capacity to know who and what you are in the big picture of the universal intelligence and consciousness, and use this knowing to help others know their true self)

When these are balanced and activated - you are using your life’s potential.

Accessing your full potential goes beyond material success or intellectual achievement, it taps into a greater spiritual understanding and capacity for love, compassion, and creativity.

It’s time for Action

Here are some things you can start doing to unlocking your potential. 

Of course this list is extensive. Pick what resonates. Don’t be overwhelmed.

You don’t have to follow them all. Follow one for 1 week or play with them as you desire. 

The action is what is important. 

‘’As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.” – Rumi

Your aim is to be 1% better each day. Tiny improvements and actions will compound in ways you’d never imagine. 

What I like to do is leave at least 1 hour of my day to be non-negotiable learning or reflection. 

If that’s too much for you, start with 15 minutes a day, at something. 

  • Practice Daily Self-Reflection and / or Meditation 

This is my number 1 go to. My Vedic Meditation practice is the foundation for the success, joy and love in my life. 

(If you’d like to learn more details about this easy, simple, effortless and incredibly powerful meditation technique, click ‘vedic meditation’ at the top of this page.

I’m teaching it on our upcoming 7 day retreat in lombok, indonesia, 5-12th april 2025. Here’s more details to learn more. 

Or if you can’t manage either of these but still want to learn - I got you covered. I built a 7 day online meditation course which you can start here, right now. 

My focus with this course wasn’t just to teach meditation, but 50% of the course is to help you make it an easy, daily habit so real transformation occurs. 


Identify Limiting Beliefs


   - Write down any negative beliefs you have about yourself or your potential. Challenge them by asking, "Is this really true?" 

Define Your Purpose

   - Take a moment to write down your core passions or things that excite you. What would you do if you had no limits, if you couldn’t fail? if you didn’t need to worry about money? Identify a clear purpose or mission that resonates with your heart and soul.

Set One Bold Goal


 - Identify one specific, meaningful goal that excites you. Break it down into small, actionable steps and commit to working on it every day—even if it’s just a little progress.

Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

   - Do something today that challenges you or scares you a bit—whether it's speaking up in a meeting, trying a new activity, or having a difficult conversation. Growth happens when you stretch yourself.

Commit to Lifelong Learning 


- Pick a book, podcast, or course that will expand your knowledge in an area that interests you. Dedicate time each week to learning something new.

Prioritize Your Health


   - Start a simple health routine, whether it’s drinking more water, getting 30 minutes of exercise, or meditating for 10 minutes. Your body and mind need to be nurtured for you to reach your potential.

Visualize Your Success


 - Spend a few minutes each day visualizing yourself achieving your goals. Picture how it feels, what it looks like, and how your life transforms. Create a mental image of your ideal future. This is the art of manifestation. 

Surround Yourself with Positivity

   - Identify the people who lift you up and encourage your growth. Make an effort to spend more time with them and distance yourself from negative influences.

Take Action Every Day

   - Even on days when you’re feeling unmotivated, take one small action towards your goal. Whether it’s sending an email, making a phone call, or doing research, small consistent steps lead to big progress.

Practice Gratitude  

   - Start or end each day by listing three things you’re grateful for. Gratitude helps you focus on abundance rather than scarcity, which is key to opening up to your true potential.

Let Go of Toxic Patterns

   - Identify one habit or relationship that no longer serves you and consciously decide to release it. This clears space for new opportunities and growth.

Develop a Growth Mindset  

   - When faced with a challenge, shift your perspective. Instead of thinking "I can’t do this," think "I can learn how to do this." Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.

Create a Morning Routine

   - Start your day with intention. Create a simple routine that includes something for your mind (meditation, reading), body (exercise, stretching), and spirit (gratitude, visualization).

Take Time for Self-Care

   - Commit to regular breaks, rest, and relaxation. Whether it’s taking a walk in nature, getting a massage, or enjoying a hobby, make sure you nourish your mind and body.

If you’d like to learn more about working with me 1-1 to bring your vision to life, have someone keep you accountable to your path, to tap into your full potential, or to simply find inner peace and happiness - reply to this mail and we can have a call to see how I can help you unlock your potential. 

Much love.


The route of everything here is one thing and one thing only, Presence. 

And the other two I’d throw in, trust, and gratitude. 

Relax and enjoy the process, this gift is a marathon, not a sprint. Lean into the process and don’t get attached to the outcomes. Here is where the magic of life comes alive. 

All the love, 



Why we didn't learn this as kids blows my mind - Surrender is the Shortcut


The new way to experience Life