Everything you seek is already here, but you’re too busy chasing to notice

Everything you ever do is to feel and experience inner peace.

Inner peace in this context can be used interchangeably with ‘happiness’ ‘joy’ ‘love’.

Think about it. ANYTHING you do. 

Your job. Relationships. Vacations. Sex. Social connections. Experiences. Education. Travel. 

You name it. 

But have you noticed you ‘do’ all of these things outside of yourself? So much doing. 

What if what you've always been looking for is in less doing and more Being?

You invest all of your energy, money, and life force into the external world hoping that the things will somehow make you happy, fulfill you, and make you feel a certain way, a joy, an inner peace?

Most of the time, you think you will eventually feel this way, sometime in the future only. 

But what’s the red thread about all of them things? Well, they’re all external, so they always change. They come and go. Ever-changing. A thirst that will never be truly satisfied. 

They always exist outside of yourself. 

Why on earth would you not just invest a tiny amount of the time and energy you waste in the external world, inwards, to your inner world?

What if your identity you’ve built on the outside, isn’t stable? What if your true identity is on the inside, always stable? 

That peace (happiness, joy, love, success) that you are searching for, is literally what you are. It is your fundamental true nature, your essence. 

There are different words for it, namely Being, Awareness of Being, Consciousness. 

I’m going to share with you a truth about Being (awareness) and meditation that I wish I knew years ago.

I spent 8 years, invested five figures on teacher trainings, courses, retreats, read 30+ books, listened to hundreds of podcasts and countless hours trying to ‘figure’ freedom, awareness, happiness out, through the practice of meditation. 

I chased peace, I chased freedom, I chased awareness. But I didn’t realize that it was already here, in the simplest way, waiting to be recognized, this whole time.

I’m going to teach you how to stop seeking and start Being - because the peace, freedom, and awareness you’re searching for are already part of you.

Go beyond the noise 

We live in a world that constantly tells us that the answers are outside of us - through more knowledge, more books, more retreats, more experiences. I used to believe that too.

In reality - the truth you’re searching for is already within you.

Might sound cheesy on the surface but beyond it is the direct knowingness and meaning of life itself. It is your birthright and its why you’re here. 

It's not some distant goal you'll reach after years of work or meditation (although this was my experience and no doubt the experience of many others, who once they realize it, they laugh because it was in front of them all along). 

It’s who you are in your most natural, simple state. Once you recognize this, everything changes.

When you realize that awareness is not something to chase but something to realize, to Be, to Exist, you can stop striving and start resting in what’s already here.

That’s when life transforms.

It’s not even some huge big high, or fancy thing, it’s the most obvious natural experience in the world. But everyone overlooks it, and completely misses it. 

Stop trying to work everything out with your mind 

Most people fail because they’re trying to think their way into freedom (inner peace, joy, love, enlightenment).

They believe freedom, peace, and happiness are distant destinations they must attain. This mindset leads to endless searching and external seeking, which only creates frustration and the feeling of 'never enough'.

Man, who wants to live like this?

What most people don’t realize is that the path to true freedom is not about doing more - it’s about Being more.

It’s about recognizing that your true Self, is already free and peaceful, and it’s waiting to be realized.

As Mooji said, “You are the awareness that is witnessing the mind.”

Yet, many of us spend years thinking we need to "do" something in order to reach that awareness.

The truth is, you don’t need to reach anything; you just need to recognize what's already here, what you already are beyond your finite mind and its thoughts, feelings and emotions. Infinity. 

You’re already Free

You are already the freedom you seek. Your true Self isn’t hidden behind years of meditation or external experiences - it’s right here, right now.

The awareness you’re searching for is you in your most simple, authentic form. It’s not a future destination, it’s your present reality, if you are open to it. 

1. Awareness is Effortless - You Don’t Need to Chase It

Stop chasing awareness. It's not something you achieve through effort or discipline.

Awareness is not an act; it is your natural state. You’ve always been aware, and once you stop trying so hard, you’ll see it more clearly.

2. Peace Is Already Here - You Just Have to Realize It

Peace isn’t something to attain. It’s always here, beneath the noise of thoughts and emotions.

Meditation doesn’t create peace; it reveals the peace that’s always been within you. As Maharishi Mahesh Yogi said, “Meditation reveals the peace that’s already within you.”

3. The Mind Can’t Grasp Awareness - It Can Only Point towards It

Trying to understand awareness with the mind is like your eye trying to look at itself. 

The mind will always try to conceptualize, but awareness transcends it.

As Eckhart Tolle said, “You are not your mind. You are the awareness behind the mind.”

The more you try to understand it with the intellect, the more you’ll miss it. Awareness is the subject, not the object.

4. The Spiritual Path is About Remembering, Not Achieving

The key to enlightenment isn’t attaining something - it’s remembering who you truly are.

As Ramana Maharshi said, “The Self is always there; it’s only a matter of removing the obstacles.”

The journey isn’t to become someone else - it’s to strip away everything that isn’t you, and to remember your nature, awareness itself. 

Although some people can awaken immediately to this, most people realize it slowly and gradually. 

Meditation is the tool which speeds up this process and helps dissolve who you are not. Who you are, remains. Your nature, remains.

5. Enjoy the Journey - Trust the Process

The spiritual path isn’t about striving or seeking. It’s about living fully in the present moment.

Trust the process. Trust nature.

The work isn’t about trying to become more - it’s about being more of who you truly are. The more you embrace the journey, the clearer it becomes.

Take these insights into action, today:

Rest in Awareness: Start by practicing simply being aware.

Notice the space between your thoughts. Notice the part of you that witnesses thoughts rise and fall.

The part of you that can observe how your body feels.

The part of you that can ‘watch’ the feeling of an emotion move through your body.

This is awareness. Don’t try to force it or chase it - it’s always right here, right now. 

Let Go of the Search

Stop looking for happiness, peace, or freedom outside of yourself.

You don’t need to go anywhere or do anything to be who you truly are.

Everything you need is already inside of you. Of course this can be balanced with being in the modern world, and having goals and dreams. But don’t attach your fulfilment to external moments in the future.

The future doesn’t exist. The only time is Now.

Remember Who You Are: If you catch yourself lost in thought, gently remind yourself, “I am not my thoughts. I am awareness. I am free. I Am.''

Let this remembering become your new default, and over time, it will become more natural.

Trust the Process

Life is an adventure. You don’t need to rush or force anything.

Trust that wherever you are on your journey, you’re exactly where you need to be.

Forget, Remember 

The spiritual path isn’t a destination - it’s a journey of remembering who you already are.

You’ve been seeking peace and freedom, but the truth is: you already have them.

They are within you, always. Stop looking outside yourself. Rest in the simplicity of Being.

It's all already here, waiting to be awakened and embodied.

So, trust in the process. Trust in yourself. You are already the freedom you seek.

Enjoy the adventure - it’s all love.

You’re here, you’re alive. Be grateful for the gift of life, have fun and don’t take it too seriously. It’ll be gone in the blink of an eye. 

Vedic meditation has been the most powerful skill / habit / tool / practice I have ever found.

It's the only thing I can really say has 'changed my life'.

It’s why part of my mission is to share it with as many people as possible. 


The Mirage of More


Why we didn't learn this as kids blows my mind - Surrender is the Shortcut